It's midway through our 3rd day. Sun is shining, big puffy clouds are hovering over the mountain peaks.
We're staying in Misty Moon - the cabin TR and Cookie remodeled a few years before TR's death. It's lovely and I'm almost convinced I continually hear TR's footsteps; expecially in the evenings. I'm still not accustomed to the luxury of having leather sofa & chairs, good lightening in the bathroom, Smith&Hawkins porch furniture - I find myself hesitating to put my feet upon the leather hassocks.
Chandors are here and our table is full of laughter, jokes and good natured kidding of one another. MC's step-sister, laurie is here; along with her daughter & grandchildren from England.
There's been rain in the past couple of weeks - some trails are closed. Stone Mountain is closed but they are trying to reopen the Martini Trail for the 1st time in 20 years. We attempted Castle Rock yesterday but the wind and rain forced us to turn back - believe we will try again tomorrow. Today we rode up Speedway and across the top of Red Canyon - the scenery was magnificent; believe we could see all the way to South Dakota. As we rode up Speedway, we encountered at least 3 gathering herds of Antelope - totaling around 30-40 animals; many with small babies.
Last night's domino game was a draw. Brooke and I bet Phil & Pauline but took a beating at the hands Pam and Michael - however the last game didn't count as Brooke and I wanted to quit while we were ahead and it was agreed the 2nd game wasn't a game; therefore wouldn't count.
Tonight it's cocktails at Pam's & then a quick appearance at Bronco's before supper - too poplar!
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