Eventually, family and friends did stumble their way into the dining room, Philip went over to get the Bad News & settle up, then we said our goodbyes and headed home.
This was a wonderful trip - it more than fulfilled the dreams we hoped for - the family together; lots of laughter, talking and so many memories to hold onto. And of course we were pleased our friends could meet Philip's daughters and Laura's family. There were so many compliments on how nice the grandson's were - how polite they were to the people around them.
Thinking of Mike & Matt; I have to remind myself of a particularly funny moment. We were at a cocktail party at MC & Stebs. I was standing talking to Laura, Kim and some others - out of the corner of my eye - I see Mrs. G's golf cart arrive at the party & hanging off the back are Matt & Mike! Mrs. G can be utterly charming, funny and incredibly caustic. Grandma Becky made a B-line to the cart only to be met by Mrs. G saying "I believe I gave your Grandsons a ride on my cart. They are such sweet boys!"
I enjoyed watching Kilian continue to bond with Philip - they are now in the other room of our motel suite laughing about some ridiculous TV show. They're constantly trading quips - Kilian seems to have a similar humor to Ben and Jacob so Philip's in high cotton. Naturally, most of it sails over my head.
Poor old Kilian, he made some crack yesterday (thinking he was funny) - pointing out a social omission - I failed to respond to someones wave to me - by the time I got done with him; he was desperately wishing he'd kept his mouth shut. I have considerable ammunition regarding Kilian's social skills - I don't buy his "I'm antisocial; I just like to listen." My grandmother used to say to me “Becky, if you cannot behave well and do good things for the unselfish reason of making others’ lives easier, then behave well and do good things for the selfish reason that you then be well thought of and your own life will be easier.” - it took me a while to realize that when Grandmother taught me thus, she was making sure that there would never be any choice but to behave well. Kilian was practically a social butterfly by the end of the evening.
Well time for bed. Tomorrow we head into Kansas & to home by Monday.
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