Friday, August 6, 2010

Another Day in the Big Horn Mtns

We're half-way thru our visit, settled into the relaxing "sameness" of life at the ranch. Coffee in our cabins, wander outside to check the weather over the mountain peaks, listen for the 7:30 breakfast bell, wander across the creek to the dining room & greet our groggy fellow dudes.

We then gather at the corral where the wranglers are waiting to assist the dudes. I didn't ride this morning as I thought the few open trails would be too wet and slippery but the Chandor clan rode out. Instead I went to Buffalo to do some power shopping.

The day remained pleasant so I went for a walk after lunch. We met at Mike & Charlottes for cocktails. Visited with Laurie, who's R&D director for NYC's public schools. She was interested in the work Jacob's doing and gave me several contacts that might interest him. One was a man at Harvard and the other is a man in St. Louis. Need to follow up with her before I leave.

We rode the RoseBud trail - one of my favorites. With all the rain, the Bee Balm & cone flowers are blooming in masses. We saw lots of deer. Tomorrow we're heading out early to Castle Rock.

Met at Pam and Stebs for domino's. Brooke and I took a beating from Pam & Pauline. Then Steb & Pauline beat Michael and Charlotte. Pauline's 13 is enjoying being a champion.

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