Saturday, August 7, 2010

Last Day

Our week at the HFBar is over, said goodbye to friends this morning and later again in the evening.

We were moved to another table, along with MC & Steb; joining Millie, Millie's family, Botsie, Bronco, John, Paulette and a whole bunch of other people...all very friendly and fun to enjoy the quips and general conversation. Somehow in all the chatter, I didn't hear "cocktails at Millie's" - whoops!Oh well...we explained being deaf and she was gracious.

Spent the afternoon in Buffalo at the rodeo. Long time since I saw a rodeo. The 1st event was calf roping and I was considering calling PETA but settled down and enjoyed 15-20 mins of the 2 hours.Pole Pulling didn't seem to verge on cruelty to animals.

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