Saturday, August 7, 2021

Fire, Wine, listening to Aaron Copland's Appalachian Spring

Our last night was lovely, crisp cool evening - the result of a spectacular lightning storm and subsequent downpour. Philip started a fire and we reminisced about the week and previous trips. 

It was initially hard to be without our leader, Butch. Our gang is scattered. We had Lil, Sundance, Preacher Lady, Gateman, Swivel and Last Frame. Eagle Eye and Time Peace are in Chicago. SakeBomb is in Maine, Pyro in Santa Barbara, Dunker in Franklin and Ice bucket in Florida. Riders have to earn their name by something stupid or heroic. Our feats are pretty evenly divided.

Considering renaming Gateman to Preacher Man as he saved our bacon by getting us on today's American flight. Using the privilege of his 2,000,000 million miles he managed to bypass American's 4 hr wait time and got our flight changed to today, convincing them to drop the $512 fee. 

Met an interesting woman; Ada Gates Potter. Lily's aunt, daughter of the Queen Mother, less affectionately known as Margi's mother-in-law. We met Mrs Gates in '86 when Margi begged Phil and I to sit at a table with Flora, Mrs Gates and Millie. 20+ years later; I'm still holding Margi's feet to the fire - you continue to owe me; a few missed dates don't begin to make up for that evening. 

Pauline and her beau, Travis, arrived Tuesday. She is a charmer. Both are working in Chicago.

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