Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Day 2

Hey Phil; there's a group from Lexington, there at the table with all the kids.

Phil: I saw them at the corral; a couple looked familiar. Thought it was my imagination.

Scene changes to the dining hall … yup, there are the Carpenters … about 30 of them. It's a meet and greet time as word gets out that Phil's at the ranch. He's not a Lexington Phil double.

This is their 1st time here - lots of riding, shooting, fishing and kid activities. Believe they told Phil the Clay's recommended the ranch. It's a small world.

Mystery solved of the wild man who terrorized the kids picnic, way back in the day, Rolph Bass. His son was one of the kids. Rolph brought a wig, wore some rabbit skins over a bathing suit and rode his horse to the picnic grounds, hid in the bushes. Just as the kids were eating he rode thru camp whooping. He comes back to the ranch, changes clothes and the kids return in pandemonium. Everyone, even the kids knew it was a dude, just not sure which dude.

Michael and Charlotte arrive; he was badly hurt riding in a pelaton Sunday, spent the night in the hospital but still managed to get on a plane. No one wants to miss Lil & Butch's 60th anniversary celebration.

Seriously, we're starting to resemble an old people's home. Walking out to the porch, Rolph says "don't go out there; it's an Assisted Living convention - there were 6 golf carts parked by the porch.

My evening ended with a squirrel landing on my head … terrorizing both of us.

Creek view from our porch

My horse Buffalo Hump or Buff

Jill and Emily

Buff is a pretty pinto


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