Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Day 4

Just back from Sawmill, hot dusty ride. Luckily we got a breeze near the Aspen groves and an updraft coming down. Duly noted, with Steb ll in the lead, we didn't make the usual wrong turn.

Treated to quite a sight, bald eagle soaring overhead.

Correction...not Little Mesa last night; thinking Timothy's Meadow???? No matter, Dunker got to lope.

Ranch burro at the feed bag

Preacher lady, Sundance and Dunker 

Preacher lady, Gateman, Sundance & Dunker

Sundance & Dunker


Butch & Dunker 

Crossing North Fork,  Rock Creek

Federale in training

Checked at the corral, the eagle we saw soaring was an immature bald eagle. And the large rodent we see scurrying is a marmot.

Hot, hot, hot today ... Matt, Philip and I teamed up to do laundry. Matt and I loaded; Matt and Philip switched to the dryers and I collected and folded. Still waiting to see if Matt's phone is going to come back on-line. It keeps shutting down. He says the times between shut downs is longer and longer. That's sorta a good sign. Philip and Matt went to the pool; then the 3 of us headed over to Chandor's for porch time.

Typical, we're starting to made plans for next year's trip...which week will we come. It's fairly simple; Michael has to be back in Columbus in time for the charity bike ride; so we come the week before or the week after.

After dinner Tom, Zaneta, Matt, Michael, Charlotte, & Steb II rode to Little Mesa (this time I was correct) and let the horses run. We were sitting on Laurrie and Jim's porch and had perfect views.

Gregg Conroy, almost new home owner, arrived from Denver.

After the night ride, there was a surprise birthday party for Laurrie. Gregg brought a cake from Denver, Zaneta and Tom provided the champagne. Both Laurrie and MC have 8/21 bdays.

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