Friday, August 5, 2016

Day 7 - Starting the Goodbyes

Charlotte, Michael and Steb II leave today; the rest of us go tomorrow.

Fun evening last night...after dinner we were on the porch...with 6  of the 10 ranch dogs ... a sing/hum-along with Gregg accompanying on his guitar. There was the weekly ranch dance. We went for the 1st time in 20 years ... amazing what one will do for love. When the hashers & wranglers showed up ... there was some impressive dancing. I lasted an hour before the noise drove me out. Philip stayed another half hour. Naturally we missed the set when Matt played with the band. We think Zaneta got a video.

It's been a great week ... kind of smiled to myself last night ... stayed up way past my bedtime ... just making sure Matt was back from the dance ... and continually resisted the urge to get dressed and "just hang out at the club house". That wouldn't have been too obvious! It was worth the wait. He had a good time and we sat on the porch talking.

Today we'll go for our last rides, say farewell to the steads who carried us safely (somewhat) up and down the mountains, thank the wranglers and hashers. Philip will do laundry, I'll pack the boxes for storage, Matt, Gregg, Tom and Zaneta are skeet shooting.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Day 6 - We go our separate ways

Dunker made it up Stone Mtn to Ginger Meadow and down the canyon ... with no mishap. Philip and I no longer dread having to tell his mother that we somehow lost her boy.

He tells us the day ride was the best ride ever! Been there, done that many times ... I agree.

Grandpa and I rode a modified Shell Creek on a glorious day...mid 70's and a breeze. Naturally The Gang always prefers to mix it up a little ... so we modified the trail a bit, blazing thru a new area now named Splinter Ridge.  That would be from trying to avoid being speared, knocked off or rubbed against some of the ponderosa pine. Without gloves, our hands were getting plenty of pine.

No pics today ... instead I'll share some of Laurries from the Chandor/Conroy/Sostman/French ride to Castle Rock.

"Almost" 60, 70 and 80

This party as Philip's brain-child last year ... he, MC and Michael were reaching mile-stone bdays in 2016. We just decided to embellish the idea a little.


Jill Chandor surprised the Almosts by sending special cupcakes.


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Day 5 Another 1st for Dunker!

Nobody but nobody gets to lead the gang on their 1st week ... NOT EVER!!!

So...rules are made to be broken; Dunker led coming down from Castle Rock ... seriously led; the wrangler was at the back. Castle Rock is high above the ranch. It takes over and hour of steady climbing to reach the top so by the time the horses start down, they want to move out and get back to the corral. Toby, our wrangler, shortened Dunkers reins and he was in control coming down the mountain. If his horse started running; we all would be running ... that's just what horses do.

Today is Charlotte and Michaels 25th anniversary. It's also the evening of the Almost 60, 70 & 80. Michael, Philip and MC have birthdays this year.

View from Castle Rock across to China Wall
 Wrangler Toby, Atlanta, GA
 Gang on top of Castle Rock, dismounting to take a break
And Dunker takes the lead!

Best Friends ... together again

Porch time at Tina & Edgar Smiths. After lunch, Phil, Matt, Steb & Michael went shooting.

somewhere ... up there ... there's a clay pigeon