Thursday, August 9, 2018
Day 5
I'm missing the ride to Castle Rock. Due to the heat; the gang was heading to the corral to be the 1st group out. Very important as there's a family group of 13 and of the 13, mostly it's a Mosquito Fleet. Takes a while to get them secured and out the gate.
The cast and crew of 'Longmire' arrived last night. It's an A&E; now Netflix drama, filmed in Buffalo. Truthfully, most of us are saying "Longwhat?"
Some great photos, courtesy of Dunker. They stopped at the cairns and respects were paid, particularly to TC and Mark.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Day 4
The guys are zonked in front of fans or on beds.
This morning we rode the Olive Trail; a gang favorite ... meanders thru the aspen and then up towards Speedway before heading back down to the ranch. There were a couple of boggy places.
Memo and I have a new saddle; much more comfortable and I could make him keep up. Think old Memo and I will stay together. He's sure-footed and tomorrow we do Castle Rock.
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Day 3
It's not that Slow Poke stopped; he kept moving. I walk faster than this horse.
It's a beautiful sunny; bordering on warm day. Had to laugh when yesterday's shower appeared just as the guys headed up to Castle Rock to shoot. In the past 10 years, I've heard more tales of rain and hail than I hear about shooting. Matt says Grandpa's shootings skill is "awesome."
It's so great to be surrounded by youth. When Matt saw me wearing my boots, planning to ride; I got the title "Tough Cookie."
Botsy and Mary had a trunk show before lunch. It's fun. Every few years they clear out their trunks and chests and get their friends to do the same. We leave the party with stuff we didn't know we wanted. Charlotte has a pair of Argentina gaucho pants ... lots of places in Columbus, Ohio to soiree in those. We're counting on Pauline finding them irresistible.
Pauline arrives today ... think half the ranch is waiting to greet her. She's a 4th generation to visit and work here. We 1st met her when she was 2 and now she's a senior in college.
Pic of Dunker and Sundance in Red Canyon.
Afternoon: Philip and I moved from porch to soft to bed. Matt went swimming and shooting. We caught up with him at the dining table.
Cocktails were at the Eatons, Landy and Peter. Again a very small world ... the young woman next to me, Elizabeth Molfetta knows Krissie as does her husband Michael. Elizabeth said she and Krissie have been friends for 25 years +.
We were friends with Michaels grandparents, John and Millie Goode.
Dinner was hysterical as Pauline tried to get her Dad up to speed on the current generation lingo. Matt, Mark and Pauline are trying to translate to parents and grandparents. Apparently we're all to refrain from 'coming in Hot' as we're misusing the term. And there was fleek or fleeck which none of us got; much to youthful amusement. Needed a darn dictionary.
Nice evening. We're reading, blogging and writing. No fire tonight; too warm.
Monday, August 6, 2018
Day 2
The rest of the gang rode to Beer Belly Gulch; comes out below Castle Rock. Apparently Sundance's horse was spooked by a jeep, horse went to his knees but the rider stayed on.
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Dunker, Sundance & Preacher Lady |
Dumbfounded to notice Matt's reading "Undefeated"; a story of Jim Thorpe and Pop Warner. JT's family. I'm ultra sensitive about what's written and/or reported. Natch, I quickly scanned the book; should lead to interesting discussion this week.
The guys are shooting this afternoon; MC and I are driving to Buffalo.
Very small world at the ranch. Newbies at our table - 3 generations, from greater Boston area. The grandparents both graduated from Milton. Grandson Michael graduated from Milton last June. The grandfather's father was on the Moses Brown board. Matt attends Moses Brown.
Apparently, we're the ranch Meet and Greet committee ... 5 meals ... moved 3x's.
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Ranch Views
Day 1
It's cool, overcast mid 60's day. Breakfast with Tina and Edgar. They leave today for their home in Park City. We went to the corral to sign up for horses. Kevin's the new head wrangler. Philip, aka Sundance rides Big Ben and Matt, aka Dunker is on Buff Red. Gang members got a little confused about Dunker's horse; thought the name was Bufferin.
I'm not ready to ride. Took a tumble on Friday and my foot's still too swollen to wear my boots ... I tried. Maybe tomorrow.
Heading out to Rosebud.
Together Again China Wall Gang Ready to Ride
Arrived at the ranch later than anticipated as American Airlines decided to give Matt a tour of the Wild West before depositing him in Billings, Montana 6 hours late; sans luggage.
Grandpa, knowing he's going to miss one of his favorite meals - the cookout; took complete advantage of Montana 's lax 80 MPH speed limit. Truth be told ... we're in a rental Honda Civic. That car only saw the 80's on a steep downhill.
Note: Philip and I missed the new car age. We had to go back to the rental office to figure out how to release the parking brake ... press a button, who knew? And I'm having a melt down because I can't find a USB port. Young man showed me where it was. Yes there was a manual and yes we read it; didn't help.
Anyway, we stagger into the ranch about 8. Matt's been awake since 2EST and us since 4. The 1st people we see are Michael, aka GateMan and Steb2 aka Pyro. We're supposed to be at a 80th birthday party for Bronco. Simply too exhausted. There would be so many ranch friends, meet and greet would take an hour. Missed a good party, catered supper, tents, live band and dancing.
We went to bed.